

KidFIT Connections

KidFIT Connections™ is a lifestyle change program to help kids and their families make healthful changes on:

Practical and nutritious eating
Ways to increase your activity
How to take responsibility for your actions  

The KidFIT Connections™ Lifestyle Program contains a 126-page workbook for students and parents (or support person) to work on together.  Use with the Healthy Snack Wheel, Your Pyramid Connections Slide Guide,  a KidFIT Connections Goal Booklet and a Cooking With MyPyramid Family Cookbook. 

   $10.00 - Download

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KidFIT Connections includes information on healthful and practical eating, ways to increase your exercise and how to take responsibility for your actions.    Weekly topics include information on MyPyramid, nutricizing your recipes, eating out at fast food places, dealing with problem situations, positive self-talk, changing your unwanted behaviors, and incorporating fun activity into your daily lifestyle.

The program includes a :

  • KidFIT Connections  126-page workbook designed for families to accomplish one session/goal each week. Each family member can evaluate their eating habits and behaviors, and then decide what they can and are willing to change.  Set time aside each week to work on the sessions and take the week to accomplish the weekly goals.  Kids and parents can follow along with the on-line program by clicking here.
  • KidFIT Connections Goal Coupon Booklet that contains 21 tear-out goal coupons to help kids make healthful changes.  The coupons promote nutrition and physical activity recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid.  This booklet can be ordered separately from the workbook and used without the workbook.
  • Healthy Snack Turn and Your Pyramid Connections Slide Guide also come with the program (see above for descriptions) as well as Cooking With MyPyramid Cookbook

KidFIT Connections Family Lifestyle Program and Goal Book Set (includes Healthy Snack Turn, Your Pyramid Connections Slide Guide, and Cooking with MyPyramid Cookbook  ($40.00 plus shipping/handling)


Item Name:  The KidFIT Connections Goal Booklet
Price:  $4.00 plus shipping

The KidFIT Connections Goal Booklet -The Goal Booklet can also  be ordered separately for $4.00 if you have more than 1 family member participating in the program.  The KidFIT Connections Goal Coupon Booklet contains 21 tear-out goal coupons to help kids make healthful changes.  The coupons promote nutrition and physical activity recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid.  This booklet can be ordered separately from the workbook and used without the workbook.


You will find the following nutrition tools helpful.  Cooking With MyPyramid is a family cookbook with helpful tips, nutritious and delicious recipes, and contains many challenges to motivate you to prepare recipes and make changes.  The book comes with a Healthy Snack Turn™ to help you select nutritious foods at the grocery store and a Your Pyramid Connections Slide Guide™ to help you determine your recommended daily food groups and amounts based on your age, activity, and gender.  Each can be ordered separately or as a set.  The cookbook comes with the tools and is $14.95.  Individually the tools are $3.50 each. 

Click on each picture to find out more.      


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he contents of the NutritionConnections.com site is for informational purposes only.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for a consult with your physician or dietitian.  Get the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional to answer questions you might have regarding a nutritional or medical condition. Before beginning an exercise program, check with your physician.